I've decided that I might as well make a somewhat regular post called 'Something Found'. I often shop at thrift stores and have recently started going to yard sales and I find some wonderful things on my travels. While I'm not going to show every item that I find, there are a number of items that are so cool they need to be shared. I'm not sure how often I'll write these posts but as I have quite the collection of great secondhand items you'll likely see these posts often.
Something Found: Breadbox
Another Saturday, another morning of yard sales. I once again scoured kijiji for upcoming yard sales and found two groupings of sales. In Toronto where parking can be scarce these neighbourhood yard sales are usually your best bet as it reduces the amount of driving. Since Buzz is in a toddler seat in the car the neighbourhood sales also reduced the amount of times we had to get him in and out of the car.
At the first group of sales we found mostly kids things, a lunchbox, a couple of toys for Buzz, nothing terribly exciting and so we quickly moved onto the next group hoping to find something wonderful.
Our trek across town was totally worth the trip, these places were home to older and more established families who had garages full of old stuff that they were ready to part with. Right away we were finding things, and after picking up a little bag of matchbox cars for Buzz he was quite happy to run up the street to the next sale. This neighbourhood was organized and had maps printed up with a list of all sales, these were printed up and on a table at every sale for people to pick up and take with them, this made it easy for us to find our way to the next sale.
home I cleaned it really well, even taking off the piece of wood inside the front of the box. A whole lot of grime came off of this piece and while its not in perfect condition, its pretty good, and the pink colour is beautiful. Its easy to come across vintage items that are grey, green, or beige, but colour can be harder to find so I was beyond happy with pink.
As cool as any vintage item is, if I bring home something this size, it better have a purpose. I didn't really want to use this as a breadbox because our bread has a home on top of our fridge, but it is the perfect size for diaper storage. At some point I would like to work a little harder to get some of the rust off of the inside with steel wool and aluminum foil, but for now i know that it is clean and that is good enough. Everything we need for a diaper change is now stored in a very stylish pink and chrome breadbox.
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