Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Buzz's Room - a work in progress

In the months leading up to Buzz's birth we lazily put together a room for him. We were reluctant to get rid of the clutter and we never really got his room ready before he showed up. To make matters worse he spent the first few months of  his life in our own room, and by the time he would have been moving into his own space we found ourselves moving into a whole new apartment. Around Buzz's first birthday we finally got our act together and set up his room just for him. Due to the small space in our apartment, or rather the great amount of things in our apartment, we are still working out the kinks in his space and ours. Currently Buzz is sharing a space with my craft desk. It works well in that I can work on crafts while he plays, however Buzz got his hands on a packet of sparkles this morning and he shimmered in green for the rest of the day. The one thing I do love about his room is his art. Buzz's art collection is better than my own, and more abundant for that matter. With all of his art and photographs I love that he can go to sleep at night surrounded by photographs of family, and art created by those who love him. Our latest change in his room has it split in half so that there is a play area and a sleep area with a shelf separating them. So far the setup has been working well for him and us, easy to tidy, and with his toys in his toy box he is less likely to scatter them everywhere.
I'm sure it will change soon enough, but check out the pictures to see some highlights.

I promise that sometime in the near future I will post a full tour of his room, fish tank and Mr.Nippers included.

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