Sunday, July 8, 2012

A New Arrival

What was once a family three is now a rather blissful family of four. Our beautiful new son arrived safe and sound three weeks ago and we simply can't get enough of him. The transition from three to four has been surprisingly uneventful, he fits right in and we've just kept on doing the things we were already doing as a family, albeit a little slower and with a whole lot more diaper changes.

For the sake of my children's privacy I decided a whie back to not use thier real names on the blog. While they both have names steeped in family tradition and a little whimsy I don't feel all that comfortable sharing them. My eldest son is known as Buzz on this blog, the newest member of the family will be known as Bo.

My labour this time around was faster and easier than last time, while this is almost always the case with second labours I was a little surprised and obviously thrilled that this was the case for me. Bo was born at home (I had Buzz in hospital) with the aid of my midwives and my husband. The beauty of being at home was that we got to relax, sleep in our own bed, and Buzz was able to meet Bo very soon after he was born.

Bo is a beautiful baby, he looks a lot like baby Buzz, with darker hair. For the time at least he is sleeping as well as I could ever hope for, although I suspect that I am used to less sleep anyway. Buzz seems to like him well enough and is happy to show him off to anyone that is interested, he is very gentle with him. It seems as though there haven't been all that many changes with Bo's arrival, instead it is as though he has always been here. We are pretty much back to our normal on the go selves.

I will attempt to keep updating my blog these days, if I'm not writing it isn't for lack of wanting to, but rather for lack of time. I keep an ongoing list of blog posts that I want to write so that when I get a moment I have topics ready to go, the list is getting longer and longer - summer is exciting but busy!

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