We've been gardening for two months now and I can't believe the difference in our garden. When you see the garden day by day you don't always notice the difference, but then there are those other days. Once in a while we show up and I would swear that overnight the peas have grown another foot, or that there are way more carrots then there were the day before. This weekend we had one of those types of visits. This week it was the peas. Peas! Tons of them! All of the sudden they appeared and boy are they wonderful, two types are ready to eat, our sugar snap peas and the snow peas. The sugar snap peas are incredibly sweet and crisp, not at all like the waxy tough snap peas you get from the grocery store.
Once again Buzz could not be convinced that he should try them, but he was enthusiastic about harvesting them. He didn't quite understand the process as he ripped off a fist sized chunk of a pea plant, but its all good, he's learning and growing in the garden and isn't that what its all about?
Love the pic of Buzz with his pail & shovel! Way to go, Buzz! GAK